Из обсуждения этого всадника на иностранном форуме:
Wow, there is so much BS out on the web about this video... People guessing all sorts of things about this performance.
Here are a few facts:
- This was a video of the performance of a 4 year old portuguese cross called Andarilho.
- The rider's name is Vitor Gonçalves - He's not handicapped... Also this was NOT a pentathlon, or a polo/jumper exchange as some rumours are saying.
- The event was the Campeonato de Cavalos Novos (championship of young horses) in Lisbon, Portugal - It was the 1m jumper class. The results are under Campeonato de Cavalos de 4 Anos (championship of 4 y.o. horses) here is the link:
http://www.shp-pt.com/cms/files/conteud ... e/R401.pdf
- This is an event sanctioned by the Sociedade Hipica Portuguesa.
- The horse is for sale, here is the information:
O Andarilho é um cavalo da propriedade de Carlos Simões e está à venda. Possiveis interessados entrem em contacto.
(translation: Andarilho is property of Carlos Simoes and is now for sale. Interested parties enter in contact.)
telmvl: 914106829
[email protected]
Some people think that this was a marketing stunt - I'm pretty sure that's true...
Now, if you really care, then contact the owner and express your opinion... winking0073.gif
Also, I would send a note to the Sociedade Hipica Portuguesa (Portuguese Equestrian Society)
Oh, and here is the list of sponsors of the Society, in case you REALLY want to express your discontent to the sponsors - Can be very effective...
Feel free to copy/paste this into other forums if you wish.
Краткий перевод:
Это 4-летка, португальская помесь, зовут Andarilho.
Всадника зовут Vitor Gonçalves, он не инвалид, не пятиборец

и не игрок в поло.
Это были соревнования для 4-летних лошадей в Лиссабоне. Высота 1 метр. Проводились с одобрения португальского иппологического общества.
Лошадь выставили (в 2009 г.) на продажу, владелец Carlos Simoes.
Есть версия, что это грамотный маркетинговый ход.
Всем желающим выразить недовольство или свое мнение по поводу бедной лошади предлагается написать в Португальское иппологическое общество или их спонсорам.
Примерно так...
http://forums.horsecity.com/index.php?s ... c=47052340