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перевод молитвы и оригинал. На сайт в рубрику рассказы?

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Здорово! Я себе распечатаю.
А я все же думаю, что имеется ввиду the horse is asking his master to take his life ,as in to kill him.

Here is another prayer:
A Horse’s Prayer

O Maker and Keeper of Horses, please hear me

For I sorely need thy help.

Give my long and spindly coltish legs fine bone

Make my barrel long, my chest both wide and deep.

Give me wide-set eyes and nostrils flaring outward.

O, give me this!

O Lover and Watcher of Horses, please hear me

For I need thee!

Give me grass and range to run, not smooth and padded for I need the obstacles

That I may learn to stumble not.

Give me fresh air and water clean

That I may always have the good clean blood

That thou created in me.

O Master and Guardian, hear me,

For I call and need thy care.

Give me when I am strong enough to ride, a trainer kind and calm.

Find me a gentle hand to guide,

A firm and purposeful one to right me when I am wrong

O Maker, give me a rider

Who is at least as wise as I!

Just a poem:

Don't Cry for the Horses

Don't cry for the horses

That life has set free

A million white horses

Forever to be

Don't cry for the horses

Now in God's hands

As they dance and they prance

To a heavenly band

They were ours to borrow

But never to keep

As they close their eyes

Forever to sleep

Their spirits unbound

On silver wings they fly

A million white horses

Against a blue sky

Look up into heaven

You'll see them above

The horses we lost

The horses we loved

Manes and tails flying

They gallop through time

They were never yours

They were never mine

Don't cry for the horses

They will be back some day

When our time has come

They will show us the way

Do you hear that soft nicker

Close to your ear

Don't cry for the horses

Love the ones that are here!
Что касается перевода-шикарный!точный и лаконичный.Вообще я- за!Иногда не мешает напоминать, что надо быть добрее и терпимее!
Прежде всего это надо напоминать самому себе...Мы люди - эмоциональные создания, чувствуем власть...Поэтому часто срываемся на лошадей, ибо, когда они с железом во рту, мы имеем власть над ними...