Сколько раз выполнять переходы? Карл отметил, что всадники часто делают несколько переходов за тренировку и ошибочно считают это достаточным. Он подсчитал, что один всадник во время 30-минутного сеанса семинара выполняет около 100 переходов, и это отличное число, которое может удовлетворять многим тренировочным потребностям.
Считайте каждый переход между аллюрами. Переходы превосходно подходят для обучения лошади послушанию и оттачиванию ее навыка работать спиной. Сколько раз выполнять переходы? Около 100 переходов - это отличное число, которое может удовлетворять многим тренировочным потребностям.
Maxima Equisport
Ride 100, 200, 300 transitions in every ride.
How many transitions in a schooling session? Countless. The future is based on these transition exercises that develop obedience, suppleness and engagement.
Training tips, strategies and philosophies from this five-time Olympian and world-class horseman
Transitions, transitions, and more transitions!
Throughout the entire clinic, Carl talked about the importance of doing lots of transitions. He explained that every good rider does hundreds of transitions when they ride. This doesn’t mean you just do transitions between gaits, but little transitions within gait or “half-transitions” as Carl calls them.
Last weekend, a few of my team members attended the Carl Hester Masterclass at the Thunderbird Show Park in Langley, BC. I know many of you were able to attend as well and I heard that it was a great clinic. I wasn’t able to attend as I was teaching my own clinic in Colorado, […]
You should ride about 200 transitions per session – forward and back to make the horse rideable and on the aids.
Transitional periods
The idea of incorporating frequent transitions into a schooling session is one that every rider has heard over and over again throughout their career. Transitions, when ridden correctly, rebalance your horse, help him to develop self-carriage, prevent anticipation and encourage active, expressive movement. What many riders may not realise is how many they need to ride. Within a session, 150–200 transitions is about right and, while this figure may sound astronomical, it includes transitions within the gaits and half-halts, as well as transitions between the gaits. Any adjustment of your horse’s balance qualifies as a transition.
Bringing on a young horse can be a daunting prospect. In our new series, dressage superstar Carl Hester shows you how to best navigate your horse’s formative years for future success