iren (nwfdg)
Женьк, молоток!!! А шаг - он по жизни самое гнусное, что есть в ездах :?
partisanka написал(а):выкладывай
мне мой Хрясок в любом виде мил
Тпа перевод:Evgenya написал(а):вот:ACTION AT WITH GUSSET
This dressage saddle is perfectly designed with an extra deep seat and a new cut making one smooth piece out of two – the small and big flap are merged together and just have a cut for the stirrup leathers for a soft seat without any edges. It achieves a good riding position emphasized by the especially large, soft knee rolls. This saddle is either available with the popular V-system or changeable long/short straps and with normal KIEFFER-tree, Excellent-tree or air cushion saddle possible. Colours: Black or brown. Sizes: I, II.
Item no. 10