Re: Похождения Бублика - срочно нужна помощь!
Лен, а ты на ленту Анатолия Шария на фбуке не ходишь? Он украинец, политический беженец - как он себя называет, терпеть не может, когда его называют украинским журналистом, тк украинские СМИ себя полностью дискредитировали. Он разоблачает фейки укросми, да и русским тоже достается в равной мере. У него свои каналы информации. А живет он в Гааге. Так вот свежее с его ленты в тему:
Голландский журналист увешал свою стену черными ленточками. Он скорбит. И он, рассказывая о том, что голландским СМИ нужна правда, обратился за моим мнением, задав ряд вопросов. Очень просил.
Ниже я приведу свои ответы на эти вопросы. Я ответил на все вопросы. На скрине - мой вопрос о публикации, на который "скорбящий журналист", "мечтающий знать правду" не ответил. Хотя сообщение прочитано.
Посмеялись, но вот прошло время и сегодня уже не весело почему-то.
Не нужна им никакая правда. Они не хотят знать правду. Не верьте, что им нужна правда. Они не смотрят на шаг вперед, не понимают, что после третьей мировой жить на континенте будет некому. Последний негритенок посмотрел устало, повесился, и никого не стало.
Ни тех, кто воюет, ни тех, кто наблюдает, ни тех, кто сегодня не желает знать правду, давая миру скользить в пропасть НЕМИНУЕМОГО апокалипсиса.
Конкурс - найди в тексте ложь.
1) Ukrainian point of view is univocal. Rather, the official point of view is unified and unambiguous.
Ukrainian government blames separatists and Russia of the crash. At first they wanted to say that the aircraft was shot down by the Russian military, but then probably changed their minds and agreed a version of the missile launched by the separatists.
Russia, in turn, argues that the separatists could not shoot down the plane due to the fact that it was crashed by Ukrainian armed forces. On evidence that is provided by the both sides, I'm going to say briefly below.
I was surprised and extremely worried that Ukraine gave its version VERY fast, almost instantly. As if it were prepared, as if the version had been written before the preliminary conclusions got out.
But even before a visit of the first official representative of the government to the crash site (by the way, I do not know if they visited it at all), the Prime Minister, as well as the President, revealed such strange details and made statements that were not backed by anything.
I do not support either separatists (I am a supporter of a unified Ukraine), or the official regime that considers slaughter of Ukrainians by Ukrainians to be the only way out of the situation.Therefore I was interested to see a competition, a contest of facts, but not of accusations without evidence.
2) Many send the video themselves, but the main emphasis is on the people who work in war zones. They are not involved in the conflict, I warned that if they held weapons in the hands, they could forget all my contacts.
If something happens somewhere, I try to find someone in the region and be the first to get videos, photos, documents, evidence.
Now it is common in Ukrainian journalism to write "news" in editors offices. Journalism died in Ukraine, I think I have the right to think so, watching every day hundreds of fakes of Ukrainian media.
3) My people visited the crash site immediately. Video they sent was just awful ... All night I was engaged in retouching photographs and cutting huge pieces of video that I would not want anyone to see.
These are very scary video files and I will never let them go out. As a result, in the morning I gave an edited, very soft version of what they sent me. But it is still shocking.
They were brief - "this is the worst that we have ever seen in our lives." Rescuers and "militias" started working very quickly on-site, they were looking for bodies and collecting documents.
Local residents tried to collect things on site, then armed guards were put on the perimeter. Later I heard LIE from a Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine that allegedly credit cards have been stolen, that someone has been trying to withdraw money ... You live in the Netherlands, you could check out - was there at least ONE attempt to withdraw money?
I am ready to answer now, with 100% certainty - there was no such an attempt. All the lies that were put in the media by our heroic ministers, who themselves never visited the crash site, was on one purpose - to encourage hatred for the separatists.
Separatists are not my friends, I do not care about their ideas, but it is wrong to pull on heartstrings of people who lost their loved ones by making stories about stolen things.
My people have even seen there money all around, this photo was then on the Internet. Nobody touched anything. A story with a toy in the hands of a separatist that has been photographed, I showed up in my video blog. This is disgusting and unacceptable!
4) As for me, the truth is in the question "who benefits?" I always wonder about that. I may disgust someone, but when it is necessary to understand what happened, the first question is "who benefits?"
Now think: was it beneficial for the separatists or Russia to involve Europe, which behaved passively and fairly did not intervene in the war, providing an opportunity to address Ukrainian issues to Ukrainian authorities, in the war?
I want to understand not only who pressed the button, I want to know who made people on the plane the target.
5) Now look. The Ukrainian mass media started reporting that the separatists had weapons to shoot down planes at high altitudes from the very morning. Where did this information come from, who provided it to the media? It's unclear.
Before the information about the plane crash appeared at dispatchers', it, again, has been provided to the Ukrainian mass media. I know Ukrainian media very well, it takes them often from five to ten hours to publish the news that I'm aware of.
Such a sudden efficiency. Isn't it suspicious?
Isn't it disturbing, that the mass media even knew the flight number and the number of passengers? It did put me on my guard in the first minute. Because it is UNTYPICAL for the Ukrainian media.
6) This idiotic version I immediately criticized in my video blog. This is idiocity and conspiracy theory, not even worth discussion.
7) Stop. That's what I said. You did not see what happened there, you saw what they showed you. O
n the story with a wedding ring - I found a video where the photo of a separatist was cut from. He looks at something (not a ring), places it in a box and then puts the box in a vehicle. I made a video blog in English.
This stove-piping was required to whip up hysteria, to cause hatred.
I am very sorry for the Netherlands, the Dutch I know are kind hearted, really nice people.
And it's very frustrating that they are told outright lies, and they believe.
Watch my blog. Videos and facts are better than any words said. I am convinced that looting by the local population took place. But telling about stealing of golden rings is disgusting.
Bodies were indeed put in plastic bags. I saw it and uploaded video. At the same time, let us understand that they have been lying in the sun for THREE days, they were in terrible condition, and the Ukrainian government was not doing anything to pick the bodies up and at least place them to the morgue! There was only chatter every day, while the dead bodies were lying in the fields.
8) Once again - "who benefits?" I can accept that separatists shot down, I delivered a version that they could pull the trigger, having received information that there was a military aircraft.
But who gave them this information? How could the Ukrainian authorities, knowing that they have such weapons, allow the flight to go that way? How could separatists know that a plane was going to pass at a certain time on a certain area? It was at an enormous height, it could not happen "by accident".
It all reminds me a victim deliberately put under the executioner's ax. This is the case if the button was pressed by the separatists.
And if not? Where is the evidence promised by the U.S. and Kiev? Obscure photos (after my exposure of this fake the Security Service of Ukraine removed the photo of what they passed off as "Buk" from its website", some drawings, and ... That's it?
I think that we are not dealing with a random shot. But this is my personal opinion. And it is hideous if innocent people were cynically killed to involve Europe in war.
лента Шария