Мне понравилс вопрос конного журналиста в интервью с Упхофф и ее ответ. Полная неразбериха у самих

Журналист: "Your method "long,
deep and round" has been
frequently discussed and has
caused controversy.
opponents say that it is not
classical and that it's bad for
the horse.
(Nicole) If you put the horses
deep INSTEAD of riding them,
the opponents are right. When
you begin to work the horse
long, deep and round, you
must go about it slowly. When
I get a new horse, I start by
longeing in vienna sidereins,
until he trusts me enough to let
his neck fall down long.
Regular sidereins don't give,
and then the horses really curl up. Young horses are longed with chambon, so they can find the way down
and stretch down deep. Every now and then I buckle up the vienna sidereins really tight, so that they also
give and shorten at the poll. When I do that, I need to drive more from behind, just as when I ride in that
frame. As soon as the horses give in the poll, I will adjust the ridereins to a longer length and ride in a
slower tempo, and really let them swing. When you've done that, you can let them out very long so that
they go down with a very round neck. That's when the back bascules.
It is important to me that the mouth is soft, and that the back is soft. There are days when I only ride
deep. When the horses don't give their backs, there's no meaning to ride in an "up" frame.