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Breeding News for Sport Horses
UPD : я попробовала вчитаться в их английский и уловила что рейтинг как обычно по количеству потомства и достижениям
Since Breeding News for Sport Horses published its first Worldwide Stallion Directory in 2005, the Selle Français stallion Quidam de Revel has been the perpetual #1 Sire of Sires for his outstanding volume of approved/licensed sons. However, our 2018 14th edition, which will be published at the end of this month, sees a new ‘king’ – Diamant de Semilly (Le Tot de Semilly) by an extraordinary margin of 12 sons up to the end of 2017. Diamant’s steady rise over a number of years (he ranked fourth in 2015, second in 2016), has also cemented the domination of the Selle Français studbook. Although Quidam de Revel has now dropped to #2, he also enjoys a good margin over #3, the Oldenburg Sandro Hit. Interestingly, although Sandro Hit, Contender and Cassini I have all retained their positions (third, fourth and fifth in both 2016 and 2017), both Cornet Obolensky and Baloubet du Rouet (another SF), are on the rise, moving from eighth to fifth and 10th to seventh, respectively.