Re: Чудо-юдо энд Ко
физика и химия...
Хыыыыыы :mrgreen:
Товарищи, вот мы глупые люди, мучаемся панимаиииишь таблЭтки глотать)))) Ищем порошки там какие-то.... Спрей!!!!! Сбрызнул лошадкО перед чисткой и вуаля :mrgreen: Прям так и тянет предложить разработку нового продукта - кондиционЭр, упакованный, чего тока магнием то, сразу всем, сбрызнул и делов :mrgreen:
И другое хы

Хыыыыыы :mrgreen:
How to Get Magnesium Supplementation
Magnesium Supplementation has not always been very easy. Traditionally, magnesium supplementation was provided by the use of large, hard to swallow, pills. While these pills were cheap, they were difficult to digest and absorb, and left a tremendous amount of unusable magnesium for the kidneys and liver to process and excrete.
All of this resulted in hardly any increase in the body’s magnesium levels and in many cases proved to be detrimental to kidney and liver function, due to the increased work load.
In the last decade, powdered magnesium supplements have become popular. They allow for better absorption, but for many people, this quick absorption causes a laxative effect that ironically results in further magnesium loss.
The other option for magnesium supplementation is the use of injections or IV solutions. However, these are generally only used in critical care or life-threatening situations. While they are extremely effective at increasing magnesium levels, they usually must be given under a doctor’s care and supervision.
Transdermal Magnesium is now becoming generally accepted as the best form of magnesium supplementation. It is very convenient and effective transdermal spray. These sprays are applied to areas on the skin that have high blood circulation and in turn allow the magnesium to be easily absorbed into the blood stream. Through the use of transdermal magnesium, you can help your body maintain its optimal levels because your body only absorbs the magnesium it needs.
Товарищи, вот мы глупые люди, мучаемся панимаиииишь таблЭтки глотать)))) Ищем порошки там какие-то.... Спрей!!!!! Сбрызнул лошадкО перед чисткой и вуаля :mrgreen: Прям так и тянет предложить разработку нового продукта - кондиционЭр, упакованный, чего тока магнием то, сразу всем, сбрызнул и делов :mrgreen:
И другое хы

Scientists have found that used coffee grounds are packed with antioxidants.
With an estimated 20 million tons of discarded coffee grounds worldwide per year, this could be a fantastic demonstration of the old adage, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Scientists are now developing a device that will harness the antioxidants from spent grounds in order to extract and add them to dietary supplements. In the coming days, keep an eye out for coffee-derived nutriments in your multi-vitamin.
As an interesting note, grounds in filter and espresso coffee-makers maintained the highest antioxidant levels, with the plunger (e.g. French-press) following close behind. Mocha machines-not so much, which could possibly mean that more antioxidants are making it into your java pot, thus leaving the grounds less endowed.