Как и ожидалось, исследованиями не подтверждено. Итак, обратимся к научным фактам:
«EIAV is transmitted between infected and uninfected horses by transfer of blood or blood products. This most commonly occurs during the interrupted feeding of large hematophagous insects, especially of the family Tabanidae (horseflies and deerflies).
96. Transmission may also occur iatrogenically through the administration of contaminated blood transfusions, use of contaminated hypodermic needles, or use of nonsterile, contaminated surgical instruments (including teeth floats). Transplacental and colostral transmission are also possible.
EIAV can be transmitted by the interrupted feeding of single horsefly.
54. Factors influencing the efficiency of transmission include the availability of appropriate vectors, the distance between horses, and the virus titer in the blood of infected horses. Tabanids are more likely to transmit virus than mosquitoes for two reasons. The large mouthparts of tabanids are capable of carrying a much larger quantity of blood (up to 10 nL) than are the small mouthparts of mosquitoes.
22 In addition, these large mouthparts inflict much more painful bites than smaller insects. Because flies act only as mechanical vectors in the transmission of EIAV and virus does not live long on the mouthparts of these insects (between 30 minutes and 4 hours),
34 effective transmission of virus requires that a fly begin feeding on an infected horse, be interrupted, and immediately fly to an uninfected horse and resume feeding.
54 The large mouthparts of horseflies and deerflies inflict painful bites, which horses are likely to interrupt by tail swishing, biting, or other body movements. When a fly is interrupted in the middle of a blood meal, it will immediately seek to complete that meal by rebiting the initial host or by biting a nearby animal. The flight range of horseflies can exceed 4 miles,
95. but flies will seek to complete their meal as rapidly as possible on the nearest horse. If the initial host is separated from other animals by a distance of 200 yards or more, the fly is much more likely to resume feeding on the original host than it is to fly the distance required to find a new host.
21 These considerations form the basis for many state EIAV regulatory decisions.
Acutely infected horses undergoing a febrile reaction have higher plasma virus titers than infected afebrile horses by factors of 1000 to 100,000.
60 Therefore, there is a greater probability of virus transmission from a febrile horse than from a horse with no clinical signs, and clinically ill horses probably serve as the major impetus for transmission during a propagating epizootic.
14 Despite these considerations, the inapparent carrier remains viremic indefinitely, and several studies have shown that these animals remain a potential source for virus transmission under field conditions.
54. Most virus in these horses is highly cell-associated, confined to a small percentage of circulating mononuclear leukocytes.
14 All serologically positive horses should be considered reservoirs of infection and potentially infectious to other animals.
Venereal transmission of virus is possible but probably does not occur frequently. Subcutaneous inoculation of experimental horses with fresh semen from an EIAV-infected stallion will transmit the virus.
97One mare, pastured only with EIAV-negative animals, seroconverted following breeding to a chronically infected stallion.
100 This mare exhibited slight hemorrhage from the vulva after breeding. Infected stallions may have reduced fertility. Evaluation of semen from two stallions chronically infected with EIAV revealed decreased motility, reduced sperm count, and abnormal morphologic features of spermatozoa.
Potential routes of infection between mares and foals include transplacental transfer, colostral or milk transmission, and vector transmission. Transplacental transmission of EIAV is most likely to occur if the dam experiences an acute febrile reaction with accompanying high titer viremia during gestation.
50 This may result in abortion or in birth of infected foals. Experimental infection of equine fetuses resulted in abortion if foals were infected on or before 203 days of gestation. Abortion occurred between 21 and 64 days postinfection. If fetuses were infected later in gestation, foals were born seropositive but died within 60 days.
47Experimentally, less than 10% of foals born to mares with no clinical signs of EIA during gestation were born virus- and antibody-positive.
53. Uninfected foals that nurse colostrum from an infected mare will absorb anti-EIAV colostral antibodies.
100 Colostral antibody is generally undetectable by 6 months of age.
6 There is some evidence that virus may be transmitted in colostrum or milk, but this has not been definitively determined.
Because insects preferentially feed on adult horses, insect transmission between infected mares and their uninfected foals does not appear to be a major problem.
48. In one pasture-based study of 22 mares and 13 foals, foals had only 2.43% of the tabanid feeding occurrences as compared to mares.
24This was not due to the foal’s smaller size, because flies are just as likely to feed on adult ponies as on adult horses if the two are grazing side by side.
This article describes clinical signs and transmission of equine infectious anemia. Clinical pathology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis are reviewed. The importance of control is emphasized.
Всем, кому лень читать: передача только крупными кровососущими при прерванном эпизоде питания, в радиусе 200 метров (182, если точнее). На челюстях кровососущих надов вирус живут от 30 минут до 4 часов. Использованные иголки также в здоровых коней втыкать не стоит. В отсутствии клинической картины в плазме зараженного животного не наблюдается. Заражение происходит от животных с активной клинической картиной с температурой. Половым путем может передаваться, но редко. От матери жеребенку возможна передача через плацентарный барьер, молозиво и молоко, но только при наличии острой клинической картины и высокой вирусной нагрузки у матери. Менее 10% жеребят, рожденных от ИНАН положительных кобыл без симптомов, дают положительный результат при тестировании. Неинфицированные жеребята, употреблявшие молозиво инфицированной кобылы получают антитела, которые перестают выявляться к возрасту 6 месяцев. Есть некоторые факты возможной передачи через молоко и молозиво вируса , но этот путь достоверно не доказан.
P.S тоже не самое современное, 2017 года, однако, речи про колоссальные экономические потери не идет, в конвульсиях никто не бьется, коней направо и налево не усыпляет.
Ну и как бЭ, в штатах почему то никто из коней еще не вымер напрочь, хотя вспышки бывают в инан неблагополучных районах (где раньше были карантинные фермы), но и поголовного тестирования там тоже нет регулярного. При перемещении - да. НичО, живут