Строчки по манежу... Вернулась - фото - стр.118

Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Sniffy - не рыдай, мы сами плакали, пока мыли. Этоу нас редкий олнечный денек выпал ;)

Ну всадника всеравно больше на equitation оценивают...

Hitman - точно! Про маршруты мы забыли. Хотя вот, у нас шоу на эти выходные - подруга едет... Мы с ней сильно озадачились... Как кобыла ее будет прыгать бревна - загадка.





(или смотритето, что я прыгала в прошлый раз на соревнованиях, там были схемы)
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Строчка, ну какие у вас там леса красивые. Нам бы тут такие, а то песок и кактусы .
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Строчка написал(а):
Родной! Нереально красиво! =)

Строчка написал(а):
Я согласна в Sniffy, но добавлю:
hunters - на стиль, ценят лошадь, как двигается, как поднимает коленки, делает менку, сколько темпов и т.д. Чтобы размерно и "безопасно" :)
А конкур, это как и везде - конкур на вермя. :)
Спасибо! Теперь намного понятнее :mrgreen:

Строчка написал(а):
Вот это да! :shock:
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Строчка написал(а):
Sniffy - не рыдай, мы сами плакали, пока мыли. Этоу нас редкий олнечный денек выпал ;)

А у нас их не предвидится до пятницы...

Ну всадника всеравно больше на equitation оценивают...
Так у джамперов таких классов вовсе нет, ни маршрутов, ни "ездой сменой".
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Hitman - приезжай, я-ж говорю ;) Песок у нас тоже есть, но это надо на восток ехать.

Hudorozhkina - :oops: Спасибо, но ты зря скромничаешь - у тебя чудо фото тоже :P

Sniffy - Логично. А про дождь... у меня вот лобовое треснуло, сегодня хотела поменять, но обещают дождь (опять) и видимо не получится :(

А вообще, за весну (или с начала года) у нас было более 70 дней дождя и всего дней пять-семь солнца :roll:
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Тут часто поржать, Строчка, не помню, отправляла тебе это на FB или нет. Сорри, многа букаф...

THE HUNTER RIDER: Is slightly anorexic and trying her best to achieve the conformation of a 17-year-old male, in case she ever has a clinic with George Morris. Field marks include greeny-beige breeches and a baseball cap when schooling or mud colored coat and hardhat with dangling chinstrap when competing. Forks over about a grand a month to trainer for the privilege of letting him/her "tune" up the horse, which consists of drilling the beast until its going to put in five strides on a 60 foot line no matter WHAT she does. Sold the Thoroughbred (and a collection of lunging equipment, chambons, side reins) and bought a Warmblood. (Bought a ladder and a LONG set of spurs). Talks a lot about the horse's success in Florida without exactly letting on that she herself has never been south of the Pennsylvania line.

THE DRESSAGE QUEEN: Has her hair in an elegant ponytail and is wearing a visor and gold earrings sporting a breed logo. A $100 dollar custom jumper (also with breed logo) is worn over $300 dollar full-seat white breeches and custom Koenigs. Her horse, "Leistergeidelsprundheim" ("Fleistergeidel" for short) is a 17.3 hand warmblood who was bred to be a Grand Prix horse. The Germans are still laughing hysterically, as he was bred to be a Grand Prix JUMPER, but since he couldn't get out of his own way, they sold him to an American. His rider fell in love with his lofty gaits, proud carriage, and tremendous athleticism. She admires him mostly while lunging. She lunges him a lot, because she is not actually too keen to get up there and try to SIT that trot. When she rides, it's not for long, because (while he looks FINE to everyone else), she can tell that he is not as "through" and "supple" as he should be, and gets off to call the chiropractor/massage therapist/psychic, all of which is expensive, but he WILL be shown, and shown right after he perfects (fill in the blank). The blank changes often enough that the rider can avoid the stress of being beaten at Training 1 by a Quarter Horse.

THE EVENTER: Is bent over from carrying three saddles, three bridles, three bits, and three unrelated sets of clothing (four, if she is going to have to do a trot up at a 3-Day). The hunched defensive posture is reinforced by the anticipation of "a long one" a ditch and a wall, and from living in her back protector. Perpetually broke because she pays THREE coaches (a Dressage Queen, a jumper rider, and her eventing guru, none of whom approve of the other) and pay trailers/stabling/living expenses to go 600 miles to events that are spread out over 5 days. She is smugly convinced that Eventers are in fact the only people in the world who CAN ride (since Dressage Queen's don't jump, the H/J crowd is to afraid to go OUT of a ring, and the fox hunters, a related breed, don't have to deal with dressage judges). The hat cover on her cross-country helmet is secured with a giant rubber band, so she can look like her idol, Phillip. Her horse, who has previously been rejected as a race horse, a steeplechase horse (got ruled off for jumping into the in-field tailgating crowd), a jumper, a fox hunter, and a polo pony (no bit stops this thing), has two speeds: gallop and "no gallop" (also known as stop 'n' dump). Excels at over jumping into water, doing a head first "tuck and roll" maneuver and exiting the complex (catch me if you can!) before his rider slogs out of the pond. Often stops to lick the Crisco off his legs before continuing gaily on to the merciless over jump just ahead. Owner often threatens to sell, but as he has flunked out of every other English-riding discipline, it will have to be to a barrel racer.
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Прелесть :))))))
БЕдный, бедный троеборец!
Про хантеров - все в точку (черт, осталось потерять столько веса... :roll: )
А джамперы?
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Блин, про джамперов не нашла... ща наваяю :)
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Я нашла :)) Там мало:

Is in a wide-striped polo shirt and beige beeches. The polo is so folks will know they're a jumper rider until they put on their shirt and stock tie. Baseball cap is mandatory after a ride, in order to exhibit free advertising for that trainer's stable for which they've forked over a mere grand or so per month. Her horse, Neverbeenraced, is a prime example of American Thoroughbred. The coat is deep bay, no markings, a textbook TB head (no jowl), and no unusual conformational characteristics other than crooked legs. Perfect, just perfect. The gelding has learned to count strides all by himself, and asks in mid-air which lead his mistress would like to land on today.

все остальные здесь - http://www.horsetraildirectory.com/Cont ... _stuff.htm
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

The jumper rider:
Has his set of different bits, hakamores, martingales, draw reins, spurs and whips for schooling/showing and any other variation of scenery to bring out the best of the horse without investing much personal effort. Attends all grand prix events and always spots the rider’s mistakes with comments like “he refused because he came too short” or “he knocked it with the front because he came too long”. Been practicing fitting 8 strides in the six stride distance and five where it should be seven over the cross rail for the past 5 weeks at home and STILL can’t put the horse on the spot. His/her horse usually does 150 singles and courses 120 flawlessly at home with the trainer and is eliminated for second refusal over 80 course at a B rated show with the owner. The horse is either an off the track TB that doesn’t turn but gets into time frame by stiple chasing through the course, or a German Warmblood carrying a hefty price tag and a letter Z at the end of the name. This one has a solid dressage foundation (Germans bred him as a dressage horse but he would spook from the judges booth) and turns on a dime, the problem is to wake up the beast to fit him in the time frame allowed. Both types either refuse every other jump for no apparent reason or jump anything from any angle and at any distance and would win all classes if the rider managed to hold on up there till the finish line. The third and best type is children’s pony jumper. This one has his own opinion on how the course needs to be negotiated. Doesn’t tolerate arguments and usually wins the class no matter what the rider does as long as he doesn’t argue with his mount.
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Hitman написал(а):
The third and best type is children’s pony jumper. This one has his own opinion on how the course needs to be negotiated. Doesn’t tolerate arguments and usually wins the class no matter what the rider does as long as he doesn’t argue with his mount.
:lol: Человек, писавший это хорошо знаком с понями, и не только джамперными. Хантерские такие же. Самое главное, показать поню маршрут. А дальше он сам посчитает, поменяет ноги, попадет в темпы.
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Hitman - суперрр! )) Особенно про пони, да.

Вот так, один бессоный вечер и мой дневник вышел за пределы 100 страниц :lol:
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Sniffy написал(а):
Hitman написал(а):
:lol: Человек, писавший это хорошо знаком с понями, и не только джамперными. Хантерские такие же. Самое главное, показать поню маршрут. А дальше он сам посчитает, поменяет ноги, попадет в темпы.
SNiffy, спасибо, писала я :). Видимо, конкретно нечем заняться на работе. Пони это отдельная песня, помесь доброго гнома со сбесившимся домовым.
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Ну ты гигант! :)))

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Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Мне чужие лавры покоя не дают :) . Про racing что ль навалять баечку?
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Ленивая неделя, как я погляжу ;))
Давай... а слабо на русском? Особенно про выездку и пр? Я могу перевести, но думаю, это будет не то
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Hitman написал(а):
Пони это отдельная песня, помесь доброго гнома со сбесившимся домовым.
Ангел, сущий ангел. (с) Главное, что бы кормили. :lol:

Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Строчка написал(а):
Ленивая неделя, как я погляжу ;))
Давай... а слабо на русском? Особенно про выездку и пр? Я могу перевести, но думаю, это будет не то
Да у меня русская терминология хромает на обе задние. На передние, впрочем, тоже :(
Re: Строчки по манежу... Новая лошадь - фото и видео стр. 98

Ну на тебе тогда:
TB racing people consider themselves the crème de la crème to the horse industry. Owner is obsessed about Secretariat and followed Barbaro and Smarty Jones religiously. Cleaned up the retirement plan and kid’s college trust to dump it all in a promising yearling with smth Bold, Native and Dancer somewhere down the pedigree. Blames trainer, exercise rider and the jockey when horse eats the dust in a 2K claiming race. Trainer can tell if the horse will win or loose the race merely by looking at his hoof track. If he had different exercise rider, jockey and groom he would be living in the winner’s circle. Exercise rider is too tall to be a jockey, otherwise he would be long mounted on the next triple crown winner. Can be spotted by wearing two sets of goggles and helmet backwards; makes a knot on the reins even if riding a western horse at his grandpa’s ranch. Blames the jockey for loosing the race - “his” horse broke the track record just the day before yesterday. Jockey carefully maintains weight of a 12 year old child- with saddle, bridle and boots. When sitting it out, rides last Belmont winner on equicizer. Blames sloppy track and the bastard on the inside for losing the race.