И я не об этом.)))
Большинству не надо, чтобы кто-то смотрел и видел - надо, чтобы тот, кто смотрит, видел желаемое, а не действительное.

А для такого я не подхожу.

Причём я не о местной тусовке говорю - это цветёт и пахнет во всех дивизионах уже много лет; чтобы не быть голословным - пример не мой:
Kyra has a popular series of
videotapes out, where she describes everything from communication to collection and training the mind. A lot of it is good, and it wouold be even better,
if one didn't look at the footage.

The following are her voice-over comments on collection in general and the succession of footage that are in the background as she says it, to illustrate: (my translation)
"By nature, the horse supports 70% of its bodyweight on the forehand, and with the rider sitting behind the withers the horse is even more weighed down in front."
"So we want to displace the weight backwards and to be able to do that, the horse must support more weight behind."
"For that to be possible, the horse must bend the joints of the hindlegs more, and that's why the croup lowers."
"As the forehand becomes lighter, the horse can erect the neck and with the poll as the highes point, move the nose in towards the vertical."
What she's saying is old news, but totally OK.
What we're seeing meanwhile seems to have nothing to do with her voice-over whatsoever. 
The horse is as front heavy as ever, and the nose could be approaching the vertical from behind, if the gods were willing, but unfortunately they are grumpy today.
I find it strange, to write and say such a thing, and then presumably watch ones own tape, and somehow be able to see what isn't there. 
It is so glaringly obvious.