Интересно про язву и гастрит. Если лошадь отказывается прыгать или сопротивляется в работе - ищите причину и она может быть в желудке!
Вообще это ужасно и убивает лошадей очень часто(
Gastric issues can affect any horse or pony regardless of age, breed, sex and discipline. It has been estimated that 1 in 3 horses may have gastric system issues & statistically this is 90% of racehorses, 70% of competition horses or those in full work & 50% of leisure horses, so those in infrequent work and horses turned out 24/7.
Risk factors:

High starch, low forage diets

Intensive exercise

Stress, including weaning

Prolonged stabling and traveling

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Hugely important but not always realised, body pain goes hand in hand with gastric issues. Whether arising from muscles, skeletal problems or from joints, pain is inextricably associated with impaired performance. The form that the issue takes is, of course, variable, but may include reluctance to jump in good form, running out, bucking or refusals. It is not uncommon for the horse to buck after a jump. Similarly horses may be reluctant to go down hill. In such cases (including the horse landing after a jump), when the stomach has been compressed by the abdominal contents the acids in the stomach are splashed up and onto the non-glandular portion. This portion of the stomach is more susceptible to acid damage than the glandular portion (that portion secreting the acid.) Dressage horses, for example may refuse to take a specific lead, find it hard to collect, perform a backup or pirouette and flying change. Due to the consistent muscle pain patterns found in gastric issue cases, the horse will counter canter or refuse to pick up a specific lead. They are often restricted in the shoulders due to a consistently found neuromuscular pattern that tightens the fascia over the muscles of the shoulder and wither pocket area. This myofascial contracture limits the ability of the muscles to lengthen and shorten appropriately. The result is pain and develops into a consistent pattern of vertebral dysfunction in the wither vertebrae. Other consistent findings include chiropractic issues in the thoraco-lumbar area (the transition zone from chest vertebrae to the loin vertebrae). There is also a consistent pattern of pain and dysfunction where the lumbar vertebra joints articulate with the sacrum. Vertebral joint dysfunction is defined, basically, as an inability of joints to move through their full range of motion. Loss of joint motion results in pain and inability to use the back well.
Signs of gastric issues:
1. Weight Loss: Of course this depends on the severity and duration of the gastric issues. However, even in somewhat less severe cases horses are moderately down in weight. The horse may show some loss of muscle mass and top line.
2. Eating Patterns: You may notice that your horse has become a slow or picky eater. Some will literally walk away from their hay and/or hard feed. It is common that they may nibble hay, but refuse anything else.
3. Appearance: The hair coat, especially, over the chest is duller than on the neck or hindquarters.
4. Resistance to Grooming: Many horses with gastric issues do not like to be brushed on the bottom of the chest and abdomen. They may even kick out if touched in the area of the sheath.
5. It is very important to note that some horses may be in good flesh, have good appetites and still have gastric issues in their digestive tracts and have muscle/skeletal issues and performance related problems that are consistent with the gastric issues.
6. Horses with chronic gastric issues may show poor quality feet
7. Changes in behavioral patterns: The horse may respond by becoming more resistant to going forward and responding to the normal aids. It may kick out, rear or buck when asked to go forward. It may respond by becoming more irritable in general, but specifically to being groomed or handled. Some progress to the point of being aggressive.
8 Diarrhea. Pot bellied appearance
Pain due to gut pain and gastric issues is very hard to remedy with only therapy. The gastric problem needs to be fixed internally first and with muscular therapy you will be able to reduce and resolve any associated soreness and muscular tension!
What can you do?
Gastro Plus offers you an opportunity to nutritionally and naturally support the health of the complete gastric system, colonic and digestive system.
It is efficient and effective, working rapidly to support the gastric system. With results that can be seen in as little as 7 days.
Gastro Plus utilities Nitric Oxide precursors and encourages the natural production of mucus in the lining of the gastric system with the help of amino acids, therefore acting as a buffer to splashing acid and maintaining stomach acidity levels. It does not interfere with the acid production required for healthy digestion. Nitric Oxide is used by the body for everything from blood flow to muscle building.
Gastro Plus is natural and does not contain chemicals, fillers, binders or other known prohibited substances.
Other helpful Tips:
Feed as lib forage where ever possible
Avoid leaving horses for more than six hours without forage
Choose fibre based feeds that are low in starch and sugar
Add chopped fibre to meals for chew
Feed small amounts of forage or chopped fibre prior to exercise